Outsider Club Articles


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Solar and Trump: Big Winners and Losers?

Written by Adam English
Posted December 24, 2016

The solar sector is facing big changes under President Trump. Some companies can and will fail, others will do well. Here is the difference.

This Could Save Your Life This Christmas...

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted December 20, 2016

Buy yourself a gift this Christmas -- not only could it potentially save your life, but, stock in this tiny company could be the gift that keeps on giving...

Can Trump Save The Coal Sector?

Written by Adam English
Posted December 15, 2016

Coal was a marquee topic for Trump, both on jobs and what is going wrong in the country. Can he pull off his promise to save coal and its workers?

Marijuana Investors Have Nothing to Fear...

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted December 13, 2016

Today we answer a question from a fan concerning what impact the Trump administration will have on the legal cannabis industry and its investors.

Unprecedented Silver Manipulation Case Blows Wide Open

Written by Adam English
Posted December 10, 2016

At long last, a silver manipulation class-action lawsuit is poised to pull back the curtain on a decades long crime.

3 "Secret Dividends" to Buy Right Now

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted December 6, 2016

“Special” dividends are designed to reward shareholders with a large cash delivery all at one time. Today, we discuss three special dividends you might want to check out...

Musk and Buffett: Clash of the Titans

Written by Adam English
Posted December 1, 2016

In a potentially rare mistake, Buffett has entered a major position in a universe that simply doesn't have room for more than one big investor.

Castro and You

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted November 29, 2016

There should be an opening for all kinds of business in a land that has been hurting for it. As Cuba continues to open up, one company is poised to capture a lion’s share of the business.

China’s New Strategic Metal Domination, Part 2

Written by Adam English
Posted November 26, 2016

China is moving to dominate lithium ore production. At the same time, it is moving to control the market for the batteries it makes.

The Only Investment Guaranteed to Go Up

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted November 22, 2016

Dividends are the single best way to ride out financial storms — period. If you own solid dividend stocks you get paid regardless of what happens in the market.

3 Ways Wall St. Is Screwing You, and How To Stop It

Written by Adam English
Posted November 17, 2016

We might not get preferential treatment, but that doesn't mean we have to put up with the three major ways we're being screwed by Wall Street

The Vote That Mattered

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted November 15, 2016

Last week, California — the largest economy in the U.S. and one that's bigger than France, India, and Italy —legalized marijuana. Here’s why you need to start investing now…