Outsider Club Articles


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The Midnight Hour

Written by Ryan Stancil
Posted December 16, 2017

When the clock strikes midnight, catastrophe can’t be avoided. We stand at 2 ½ minutes to midnight going into 2018...

The End of All Pain

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted December 14, 2017

Imagine living in a world where you never suffer from pain. Where you can enjoy your daily life without being held back by pain. It could happen sooner than you think...

Are We Looking at the Marijuana Sector the Wrong Way?

Written by Adam English
Posted December 12, 2017

What is better – getting your foot in the door of a $7 billion market, or a $635 billion market? Maybe it's time to re-think how you view the marijuana market...

Future Currency and A Rate Hike Reckoning

Written by Outsider Club
Posted December 11, 2017

Bitcoin futures opened at $15,000 and surged 26% in their debut session on Cboe Global Markets exchange, triggering two temporary trading halts. Traffic on Cboe’s website was so heavy that it...

Marijuana Investors — Mark This Date

Written by Adam English
Posted December 5, 2017

The first U.S.-listed marijuana ETF is coming. Here's what we know, what we don't know, and if it is a worthwhile investment.

Pot Stocks Are Going Crazy

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted November 30, 2017

Marijuana stocks have been on an absolute tear this month, but the fun is just getting started. Jimmy Mengel and Alexandra Perry continue their discussion on the marijuana sector in part II of their...

When the Other Shoe That Drops Is A Bomb

Written by Adam English
Posted November 28, 2017

A huge part of this job is constantly reading news stories and filtering out the real from 'fake'. Some recent headlines regarding North Korea may be some cause for concern...

Cannabis Royalties and Bitcoin $10,000

Written by Outsider Club
Posted November 27, 2017

Back in 2013, the Outsider Club’s own Nick Hodge predicted Bitcoin would hit $10,000. The cryptocurrency was worth just $1,000 at the time. Today, it’s trading a record high above $9,600.

I Found Jesus in the Strangest of Places...

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted November 23, 2017

Jimmy Mengel had the pleasure to sit down with Alexandra Perry of Investing After Hours to discuss the questions readers have and what he's learned from his years of marijuana investing.

The Quietest Buy Signal In The Market

Written by Adam English
Posted November 21, 2017

This is exactly the kind of radio silence and funding glut that hints at a phenomenal opportunity.

Congress, Stop Ignoring Veterans and The American Legion

Written by Adam English
Posted November 14, 2017

How long can Congress ignore the four out of five veterans who support medical marijuana? Earlier this month, the demand to act was taken to the U.S. Congress in a major way...

A GE Collapse, A Bitcoin Bounce, and A New Lithium Play

Written by Outsider Club
Posted November 13, 2017

Rio Tinto is said to be considering an investment in Chile’s Chemical and Mining Society (SQM), the world's largest lithium producer. This comes after Canada's PotashCorp. released news of the...