Outsider Club Articles


Recent Articles

Marijuana Pharmaceuticals: The First (and Smallest) Of Many

Written by Adam English
Posted June 26, 2018

The first marijuana-derived pharmaceutical has been approved in the U.S. by the FDA. Look to the coming wave of research from small companies to help address some of the most vexing problems modern...

It Finally Happened

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted June 21, 2018

The votes are in, and pot is here to stay. Canada has become the biggest country in the world to fully legalize recreational marijuana. Outsider Club editor Jimmy Mengel explains the impact the C-45...

A Big Cannabis Sector Barrier Crumbles

Written by Adam English
Posted June 19, 2018

The last hurdles for the cannabis sector are finally crumbling and money is pouring into the sector as it is growing at a faster pace than the internet did in the early 2000s. Outsider Club editor...

Defending My 12 Dollar Soda

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted June 14, 2018

I spent 12 dollars on a soda this week and it was worth every penny. I would never think to spend 12 bucks on a soda. In fact, I almost never drink soda to begin with. But this was no ordinary soda....

Today is the Day

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted June 7, 2018

Today is the big day: Canada's Senate will be voting on bill C-45: the Cannabis Act. If you’ve ever been hesitant about investing in marijuana stocks, now is the time for you to act. The bill is...

The $1 Trillion Map

Written by Adam English
Posted June 5, 2018

A renaissance is coming to the Arctic Circle, and it will only accelerate over the next century. The race has already begun, and early winners are already emerging. Don’t get left behind. Outsider...

Melting Ice Uncovers Massive Mine

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted May 31, 2018

Changing temperatures are already opening up several new areas for investment. Trillions of dollars of resources will soon be in play. If you are really looking for fresh territory to invest in, you...

How You Can Beat Russia In the Turf War On a Newly Discovered 8th Continent

Written by Ryan Stancil
Posted May 30, 2018

Even if Russia is winning this turf war on what some are calling “The 8th Continent”, there’s still a way for you to profit from the scramble for resources in what was once unexplored country.

Give Veterans What They Want

Written by Adam English
Posted May 29, 2018

VA health benefits do not allow medical marijuana to be used as an alternative to the regimen of pills that VA doctors dole out to deal with PTSD, chronic pain, and depression. But increasing...

A Grisly End for Geoffrey

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted May 24, 2018

Toys “R” Us has declared bankruptcy. The iconic toy store chain will be shutting its stores for good after a liquidation sale. What fate will befall Geoffrey the giraffe remains to be seen....

One Theme, Three VERY Different Stocks

Written by Adam English
Posted May 22, 2018

Interest rates are going up. Years of nearly free debt are being rotated into more expensive debt. A wave of markdowns is right around the corner, and revenues, cash flows, and profits will suffer....

An Interview with a Legend

Written by Jimmy Mengel
Posted May 17, 2018

Rock legend Gene Simmons will soon be the Chief Evangelist Officer for Invictus MD Strategies Group. Outsider Club's Jimmy Mengel spoke with Mr. Simmons about his addiction to success and motivation...