Written by Jimmy MengelPosted July 1, 2021
What do naval shipwrecks and investing have to do with one another? Well, it wouldn't be a shipwreck if there wasn't any buried treasure. Outsider Club editor Jimmy Mengel discusses an excursion...
Written by Luke BurgessPosted June 30, 2021
Gold is set to record its worst month since 2016 but the pieces are still in place for a major bull run. Gold expert Luke Burgess makes the case for taking advantage of low gold prices...
Written by Adam EnglishPosted June 29, 2021
Quietly, behind the scenes, another layer will be in use by airport staff and the Department of Homeland Security. Also by stadiums, hotels, courts, museums, and all sorts of public buildings. This...
Written by Luke BurgessPosted June 23, 2021
You can trust the word of the Federal Reserve. Or you can see what's happening in front of your eyes. Inflation is very fast becoming a major topic of concern for everyone and the market will react...
Written by Adam EnglishPosted June 22, 2021
We're pulling out of one of the weirdest and nastiest recessions anyone alive today has seen. Now is the time when markets can hit a bull run that mints fortunes.
Written by Jimmy MengelPosted June 17, 2021
This company’s technology could do to today’s chips what Alexander Graham Bell did to the telegraph. Outsider Club editor Jimmy Mengel discusses what could be the greatest invention of the 21st...
Written by Luke BurgessPosted June 16, 2021
Inside every laptop, cellphone, TV, or almost anything with a battery or a plug, there is a small amount of precious metals like gold and silver as well as other valuable metals like some rare earth...
Written by Luke BurgessPosted June 9, 2021
Oil prices have reached a 2-year record high and some experts are predicting oil to possibly hit $200 per barrel. Market analyst Luke Burgess discusses the reality of oil's bullish run...
Written by Adam EnglishPosted June 8, 2021
There is more than ever to work with for market mismatches that just don’t make sense. Let’s take a quick look at three of the big topics and how the early signs may create some investor...
Written by Jimmy MengelPosted June 4, 2021
Outsider Club editor Jimmy Mengel makes the connection between alcohol prohibition in the 1920s and federal cannabis prohibition in the 21st century. Investors made a killing from alcohol companies...
Written by Luke BurgessPosted June 2, 2021
High-strength vanadium-alloy steels are used in high-rise buildings, bridges, heavy equipment, industrial tools, medical devices, ship plates, rail lines, and military vehicles. But steel alloys...
Written by Jimmy MengelPosted May 27, 2021
When Outsider Club editor Jimmy Mengel hears criticism and laughter about what is and isn't possible, he is reminded of the other major technological revolutions throughout history. But this time...