Outsider Club Articles


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The Cold War, Episode 2: Battle of the Pundits

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted October 4, 2022

Narratives and propaganda dominate the media nowadays, obscuring what little “journalism” still exists today.

WD-40 Co. Has Dominated the Lube Market, but for How Long?

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted September 28, 2022

You might be surprised to learn that WD-40 isn’t owned by a giant conglomerate. The WD-40 Company is a conglomerate itself.

Busted! Insider Trading Rocks the Crypto World

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted September 27, 2022

Getting on the same wavelength as the country’s decision-makers is an incredibly demanding process. It takes more legwork than nearly any other investing strategy...

Billionaire Ray Dalio Expects a 20% Drop in Stocks

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted September 21, 2022

Investors are expecting big moves from the Federal Reserve today. As a result, billionaire hedge fund founder Ray Dalio said he was expecting a 20% decline in stocks.

An Ode to Cathodes: Pushing the Boundary of Batteries

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted September 20, 2022

The world-famous Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) released yet another battery breakthrough this month. The research is almost entirely focused on cathodes...

Inflation Is Soaring but Gold Is Snoring

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted September 14, 2022

While there are tons of factors influencing the price of gold, the two main factors are lower demand for gold jewelry and a soaring U.S. dollar.

Tesla’s New Billion-Dollar Battery Will Soon Power Everything

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted September 13, 2022

Regardless of whether you love or hate him, Elon Musk’s market foresight is top-notch. His most recent decision might be his most lucrative success story to date.

Is it Time to Sell Soaring Uranium Stocks?

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted September 7, 2022

Over the last few months energy prices soaring and government commitments to restart idle nuclear power plants have caused uranium prices to rise.

Giant Bear Attack Destroys the Oil Market

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted September 6, 2022

Like an angry, 800-pound groundhog, the oil bear just reared its head and predicted six more weeks of misery in the oil market.

How I Made a +10,000% Gain… by Accident!

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted August 31, 2022

Investors put a lot of effort into their work, but the rewards for the effort are there. And it feels good to take a profit you’ve earned... but what happens when you just get lucky?

Protect Yourself From Quantum Y2K

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted August 30, 2022

“Quantum computers are tools of destruction, not creation.” Those are the words of world-renowned physicist Alexander Lvovsky. And he’s correct...

Two Stocks to Play Biden’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted August 24, 2022

It’s not very exciting stuff, but you’re going to be surprised to learn how much you really depend on construction aggregate.