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Bad News: Green Hydrogen Is DEAD

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted January 3, 2023

Humanity has been fascinated by hydrogen as a fuel source for as long as analyst Luke Sweeney can remember — with very little success. But what if hydrogen itself could be tweaked?

2023 Gold Outlook: Prepare for a Midsummer Rally

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted December 28, 2022

2022 taught gold investors a very important lesson: The value of the U.S. dollar influences gold prices much more than inflation data.

U.S. Department of Energy Wants to Kill Diesel for Good?

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted December 27, 2022

According to recent news releases, the U.S. Department of Energy has found the green fuel it believes will replace diesel, gasoline, and any other carbon-polluting fuel on the market...

Investing in Pickleball

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted December 21, 2022

Given the explosion in pickleball’s popularity, analyst Luke Burgess bets the market sees some kind of pickleball-specific REIT or public company as soon as next year.

Want to Be a “Super-Trader”? Too Bad!

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted December 20, 2022

Wolves of Wall Street, sucker fish, and shadow money — can you guess what they all have in common? I’ll give you a hint...

Robot Servers Coming to a Restaurant Near You

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted December 14, 2022

Robot restaurant staff members are here, but they probably won’t be completely replacing humans anytime soon...

Secret Chinese Bot Attack Unveiled — Here’s What the CCP Is Trying to Hide…

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted December 13, 2022

A U.S. cybersecurity firm recently uncovered a shockingly desperate cyberattack against a private company that's linked to none other than the Chinese Communist Party...

3 Silver Stocks for Christmas

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted December 7, 2022

With gold finally on the upswing after months of being under pressure from a rising dollar, analyst Luke Burgess thought it was a good time to tell you about three of his favorite silver stocks.

Engineers May Have Hit the “Lithium Ceiling”

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted December 6, 2022

One of the world’s top engineers is claiming that lithium batteries have reached their final power limit. But EV companies have been promising more...

Gold’s Secret Investment Benefit

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 30, 2022

Investing in physical gold and silver bullion holds a secret and powerful benefit… one that both creates a hedge and builds a foundation for wealth accumulation.

World’s First “Eternal Battery” Has Me Stumped…

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted November 29, 2022

It’s not the mechanism or the engineering that’s confusing. Those are both shockingly simple. No, what’s truly mind-blowing is that no one has built one until now.

3 Gold and Silver Stocks Under $5

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted November 23, 2022

Today, Luke Burgess tells you about three gold and silver stocks trading under $5 that are best positioned to leverage rising precious metal prices.