Outsider Club Articles


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China Is a Cornered Animal — Will It Strike?

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted April 4, 2023

The U.S. has recently spearheaded a movement of restricting the export of critical semiconductor manufacturing equipment to Chinese customers, but how will China respond?

How to Invest in Silver 2023

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted March 29, 2023

If you’re considering investing in precious metals, owning a bit of gold bullion is a good idea, but if you want to invest in silver to leverage the market, your best bet is with silver stocks.

The Next Great War With China?

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted March 28, 2023

Every tech advancement that promises to significantly disrupt the economy is an implicit war with China. No bullets or bombs are let loose, but the stakes are just as high. The next great tech war...

AI Turns $100 Into Nearly $10,000 in a Week

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted March 21, 2023

We’re seeing a major shift in the way we interact with the internet. This advanced software doesn't exist in a vacuum. It will need cutting-edge hardware to support a huge array of new functions.

Investing in Graphite 101

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted March 15, 2023

Investing in graphite can be a smart move for investors looking to capitalize on the growing demand for EV technologies.

All This AI Stuff Is Great, but… Where’s the Money?

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted March 14, 2023

Depending on who you talk to, AI is going to either destroy society or create a new utopia — there’s no in between. But just like with the personal computer, this once-in-a-generation tech shift...

The Stars Are Aligning for $125–$150-an-Ounce Silver

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted March 8, 2023

The rising popularity of electric vehicles has led to an increase in the need for battery metals such as cobalt, lithium, nickel, and copper, but also silver.

Automakers Are Pouring Billions Into Mining

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted March 1, 2023

For automakers, getting their hands on battery metals isn't always easy since supply chains are highly complex and competitive. To address these challenges, EV makers are going straight to the source.

The U.S. Copyright Office Breaks Its Silence on AI Art

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted February 28, 2023

This is big news. Let analyst Luke Sweeney tell you exactly what it means for the future of AI art....

That Time I Was Completely Surrounded by the Former USSR President

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted February 24, 2023

That Time I Was Completely Surrounded by the Former USSR President

The Greatest Gold Heist in History

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted February 22, 2023

In Berlin, Germany, a group of young thieves slipped through the shadows, their minds fixed on the prize ahead. The target: a gold bullion coin the size of a bike tire.

AI’s Biggest Flaw Solved?

Written by Luke Sweeney
Posted February 21, 2023

This new era of AI absolutely depends on Big Tech, but that doesn't make your investments limited. AI is flexible enough to be tailored to almost any industry.